Dr. 希瑟·阿伯特

Dr. 希瑟·阿伯特
Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport, 部门 of
Health and Human 服务, College of


  • Ph.D. - Sport Physiology and Performance, East Tennessee State University - 2016
  • M.Ed. - Physical 教育, Frostburg State University - 2013
  • B.S. - Health Science 德雷塞尔大学教授 - 2011


  • Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology
    Strength and Conditioning
    Neuromuscular Physiology

Intellectual Contributions

  • Chapter 4: Neuromuscular Physiology - CSCCa and BYU Academic Publishing - 2019
  • Roles of Maximal Strength and Rate of Force Development in Maximizing Muscular Power - Strength and Conditioning Journal - 2016
  • Strength Training for Endurance Athletes: Theory to Practice - Strength and Conditioning Journal - 2015


  • Athlete Monitoring with 健康 and Rating of Perceived Exertion Scores using Google 形式. North American Coach Development Summit 2019, 2019.
  • Olympic Weightlifting Movements - The Power Position . Indiana SHAPE Conference , 2018.
  • Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Technological Application. North American Coaching Development Sumitt 2017, 2017.
  • Variations in Coaches's Planned RPE verses Players Reported RPE . North American Coach Development Summit 2017, 2017.
  • Long Term Athlete Development: The Good, The Bad, and What we can do 关于 it! . NSCA Wisconsin State Conference , 2018.


  • The enhancement of athletic performance, through the development or use of athlete monitoring tools, and performance profiling. My specific interests include applied fatigue testing and monitoring (RSI, 手测力计, 等距RFD), and the dose-response relationship in team sports and its effect on internal and external markers of fatigue (RPE, 全球定位系统(GPS), HR).
PE 218
PE 404
PE 422
PE 483/583
PE 684
PE 688

Ph.D., East Tennessee State University

Major: Sport Physiology


M.Ed., Frostburg State University

Major: Physical 教育



Major: Health Science

Refereed Journal Articles

泰伯是C.Bellon, C.艾伯特,H. A.宾厄姆,G. (2016). Roles of Maximal Strength and Rate of Force Development in Maximizing Muscular Power. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 31(1), 71-78.

Bazyler C. D.艾伯特,H. A.Bellon, C. R.泰伯,C. B.斯通,M. H. (2015). Strength Training for Endurance Athletes: Theory to Practice. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 37(2), 1-12.



休斯,L.艾伯特,H., National Coaching Conference, "Variations in Coaches' Planned RPE versus Players Reported RPE,教练联盟, 亚特兰大, 乔治亚州. (2017年5月).

雅培,H., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "全球定位系统(GPS) Analysis of the US Women's National Field Hockey Team During the 2015 World Cup: Three Consecutive Matches," East Tennessee State University, 田纳西州约翰逊市. (2016年12月).

宾汉,G.艾伯特,H., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "Theoretical Model for the Application of Critical Speed to Field Sports," East Tennessee State University, 田纳西州约翰逊市. (2016年12月).

雅培,H.泰伯,C., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "Monitoring the Effect of Volume Load on Jump in Weightlifters," East Tennessee State University, 田纳西州约翰逊市. (2015年12月).

雅培,H.泰伯,C.格里格斯,C., Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, "Power Output at Varying Loads During Squat Jumps," East Tennessee State University, 田纳西州约翰逊市. (2015年12月).


Field-based fatigue testing and monitoring (Reactive Strength Index, Isometric Rate of Force Development)

The dose-response relationship in team sports and its effect on internal and external markers of fatigue (Rating of Perceived Exertion, Global Positioning Systems, 心率)